Analysis software
CasaXPS processing software offers powerful analysis techniques for both spectral and imaging data. The system originally designed for XPS and Auger data now offers features covering a wide range of analytical techniques including ToF SIMS, dynamic SIMS and many more. For detailed introduction please visit the following link:
- CasaXPS introduction
- CasaXPS eBooks
- The registered XPS users can download the software from the following link
- CasaXPS software download (new version released in 2023)
- and send email request to Min Li (min.li at yale.edu) for username and license key as required for license update. The registration window can be found by clicking “Help” and selecting “About CasaXPS” in the dropdown menu in the software toolbar.
- CasaXPS Manuals and Videos download
- CasaXPS Training Videos and Events
- Introduction to XPS (25 minutes in length)
- Curve Fitting and Sucrose (9:42 minutes in length)
- Introduction to Peak Models and Line Shapes (35 minutes in length)
Analysis references:
- XPS Fitting Reference Pages (www.xpsfitting.com)
- XPS Simplified (xpssimplified.com)
- NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database
- Practical guides for x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Quantitative XPS (J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 38, 041201 (2020); doi: 10.1116/1.5141395)
- Introduction to topical collection: Reproducibility challenges and solutions with a focus on guides to XPS analysis (J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 39, 021601 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0000873)
- Introductory guide to backgrounds in XPS spectra and their impact on determining peak intensities (J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 38, 063203 (2020))
- Webinar Curve Fitting in XPS by Physical Electronics (YouTube)
- Work Function measurement using UPS
- Work Function measurement using XPS
- Concerns on using C1s for spectral calibration (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 5002 – 5006)
- UCDavis ChemWiki
- Analysis method comparison
- Back‑to‑Basics tutorial: X‑ray diffraction of thin films, (Journal of Electroceramics (2021) 47:141–163).
- Tutorial on Powder X‑ray Diffraction for Characterizing Nanoscale Materials, (ACS Nano 2019, 13, 7359−7365)